The unique Compact™ door

October 22, 2019 in Blog, News
5 tips for choosing the right industrial door
It is inevitable, you have to have a new industrial door. Before you go ahead and order a new version of the old door, stop for a minute and think about what you really want and need. Find out what your employees would like it to be capable of, after all, they work with it every day. These 5 tips will make it easier for you when choosing the right industrial door.

October 15, 2019 in News, Video
Video: Compact door in Firestations
Fire stations need doors that are reliable. They need to open quickly and offer enough space inside for equipment and installations. Nowadays, even the design of the door matters. The Compact door has been installed in firestations all over the world. Watch our compilation of firestations in this video. Firestations usually opt for the high […]

September 30, 2019 in News
Party time at Rolflex
Last Friday, we celebrated the growth of our company. All employees joined in with their families. Good catering and activities for the kids were there to guarantee a good afternoon for everyone. Special thanks to:

June 7, 2019 in News
Innovative Achterhoek region
In order to promote the Achterhoek, a region in the Netherlands were Rolflex is located, a video has been made. In this region, so many innovative industries are established and we are proud to be one of these. Watch the video on Vimeo

April 18, 2019 in News
New warehouse for our production hall
We are continously improving our product as well as our production facility. We proudly present our recently expanded warehouse. Above the warehouse, we created a new canteen, where our employees can enjoy their lunch or use the pinball machine. Need to know more about Rolflex? Read more here.

October 10, 2018 in Blog, News
Maintenance keeps your industrial door running
Every company wants to work efficiently. Continuity, quality and efficiency will certainly not be unfamiliar to you. Trouble-free operation of machines, devices, but also of the company doors are indispensable. Many suppliers offer maintenance contracts to prevent serious problems. Because small problems can have significant consequences. Why is maintenance so important? Here are some reasons […]

September 18, 2018 in News
Rolflex presents improved foot brackets
From April 2018 on, the Compact folding door come with new and improved foot brackets. These new Bottom brackets have some interesting advantages over the older type brackets. The new brackets are supplied with a width guidance For more information please contact our sales team: Interested in more product knowledge? Visit our online product knowledge […]

February 1, 2018 in News
Why all automotive companies should have a Compact door
At Rolflex, we love cars. Consequently, we love seeing our Compact doors in car dealerships, car wash booths and automotive production facilities. Bert Tiemessen, account manager, has seen many different types of applications in the automotive industry. “Clients are often surprised this door can solve so many design challenges”. In this article we discuss some […]

December 12, 2017 in News
What is BIM?
Building Information Modeling, or BIM, is an innovative working method in the construction industry where various disciplines collaborate within a 3D model. This model serves as a comprehensive source of information about all aspects of a building, from design through construction to demolition. A central principle of BIM is the collaboration of different teams throughout […]

September 18, 2017 in News
Firestation Bornem equipped with Compact doors
As reliability is so important for emergency services, more and more firestations all around the world opt for the Compact folding door. Especially, the combination of the high quality finish, the low maintenance construction and the compact folding system, are the main advantages for firestations. Recently, firestation Bornem (Belgium) has finished building their new building. […]

May 22, 2017 in Blog, News
Warning lights save lives
It’s rush hour on a Monday afternoon in the middle of summer, the streets teeming with cycling students, mothers with children in front and back and a shopping bag at the wheel, trucks looking for the nearby business area. Meanwhile, cars try to shoot in between, not having to wait a few seconds. No one […]

August 18, 2016 in News
Compact door installed in Australia
Our partner in Australia has delivered great work in this luxury car dealership in Melbourne. The Compact folding door is used in multiple places in this building to close off spaces. The transparent panels provide a clear view of the workshop and/ or showroom. Read more about this project here.