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Sandwich panels

The Compact doors isolated sandwich panels consist of a CFC-free polystyrene filling that is glued with aluminum stucco cladding. Aluminum U-profiles at the top and bottom provide extra stability.

Sandwich panels can be combined with windows and/or full vision or full light panels.

10 standard RAL colours

The insulated door panels are available in ten standard RAL colours. Other RAL colours are available on request. 

*Warning: when opting for a darker colour, you need to take into consideration that doors that are in full sunlight may deform the panels. In larger doors that are facing the sun directly, we advice opting for a lighter RAL colour.

Specifications Sandwich panel

Panel thickness40 mm
Standard panel height610 mm
Maximum door width7000 mm
Maximum door height7960 mm
The top panel can be shortened to achieve the correct height
Insulation value EN12428U=0.76 W/m²K
Wind resistance EN12424class 2-5
Air permeability EN12426class 2
Noise reduction ISO140-3Panel 20 db(a)
Water permeability EN12425class 2
Sandwichpanelen zijn standaard voorzien van boven-, tussen- en bodemafdichting

Compact doors with sandwich panels have rubber seals on the top, bottom and in-between the panels. Read all about sealing here.

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