In the Dutch trade magazine “Industriebouw” there is an article about the new Porsche Centrum Twente building, in which Compact folding doors were used. Two new buildings were erected for Porsche in two years. Industriebouw writes:
Practical, low-maintenance industrial doors with style
For the Porsche Service Factory, the Achterhoek company Rolflex Nederland BV supplied and installed nine industrial doors. They are Compact folding doors in various versions, including full-vision and sandwich with windows. Account manager Bert Tiemessen mentions the advantages of these doors. “Normally, overhead doors are pulled up along a rail system along the underside of the ceiling. That takes up a lot of space and is an obstacle for lifting bridges, crane tracks or lighting, for example. Moreover, it doesn’t look very attractive, especially in a luxury building like a Porsche garage. Our Compact folding doors fold up above the door, leaving the space behind available. The door can also be nicely concealed in a cove or a niche in a suspended ceiling. The aesthetic aspect was definitely a reason for Porsche to choose us.”
Besides being aesthetic, the Compact folding door is also low-maintenance. “Traditional overhead doors have a spring package. Those springs have to be regularly adjusted and eventually replaced. With our doors, the door weight is completely pulled by specially designed motors. The heavier the door, the heavier the motor. This results in much lower maintenance costs, which means our doors can even be cheaper than traditional ones in the long run.” Rolflex supplies the Compact folding doors in many versions and in any color.

Download the full article in Dutch here.