If you have been on the phone with Rolflex, there is a good chance that you have spoken to Coen Tiemessen. But who is Coen Tiemessen?
Coen Tiemessen is 28 years old with 12 years of life experience (ie 40 years) and has been working as an internal sales employee at Rolflex for almost 13 years now. Coen lives in Ulft with his girlfriend and 2 children. In his spare time, Coen is active in cycling, boxing, football (watching), BBQ’s and visiting concerts when possible.
Internal sales
As an internal sales employee, he supports Compact resellers by doing order intakes, among other things. In the Netherlands, Coen also advises customers about the Compact door and supports our sales agents in selling the Compact doors.
13 years at Rolflex
After Coen obtained his vocational eduction (wholesale entrepreneur), he continued his studies in commercial economics at HAN in Arnhem. After his studies, Coen immediately started his career at Rolflex and is still working there 13 years later.
International contacts
“During my studies, I was referred to the vacancy at Rolflex within my network. I especially liked having customer contact. The variety of contact with customers from different countries is also something I really like. In the morning, I speak with resellers or customers from Australia and New Zealand, in the evening I speak with Canada and in the meantime I will be working with countries in Europe. I have a lot of variety in my work which makes it so much fun. It is also a unique opportunity to see the differences in cultures per country.”
Coen’s goal within Rolflex is to make the Compact industrial door an even greater success and to try to tap into more and more new markets.